Additional Readings
Designers use stories and storyboards to assess where their project is, in which direction the project should go, and if it fits the criteria, they set for themselves. First, you need to establish your criteria as a designer. What do you want to get out of it? Articulate a purpose to make sure the users and your team have the same understanding of the purpose.
Designers use approaches that can lead to innovative and creative ideas. They do an Exploratory play. Stories are the key to new experiences, new features, and new products. They are a prototype by themselves as stories become mental models that groups can manipulate to see how their necessity can be implied. Designers can manipulate the story to see what might or might not work with the users. Listeners who are told a story must make sense of the information conveyed and therefore are immediately engaged. Tests of new designs can be performed by engaging listeners' empathy and agreeing with the story's values. Listeners must connect to the story before an idea can be developed. Designers do filtering. Proposed stories serve as models, and we can explore the implications of alternative designs on the stories and see where/how the stories no longer ring true as a guide for ruling out some alternatives. Designers bundle this information to shift their work in a certain direction they want to meet their parameters. Stories create a universal link. Hence, stories are a social mechanism through which new and untried ideas can be heard and filtered by different groups having different priorities. New discussions arise.
Stories connect designers, users, and technology. It’s a Future-thinking application. Technology adoption can be heavily influenced by the stories told during the time of initial development. Designers need to consider the contexts and goals of potential users to create their narrative scenarios that describe how target consumers move through their lives to accomplish their goals, along with the challenges they face. If one can tell compelling stories around technologies, successful adoption by those who listen or participate in the story is more likely. Designers can consciously use stories as the driving force behind long-term innovation.