Kelley, T. (2001). "The Art Of Innovation: Lessons In Creativity From IDEO, America’s Leading Design Firm". Crown Business. 23-52.
Franzini, L., Herzog, R., Rutz, S., Ryser, F., Ziltener, K., Zwicky, P. (2021). “Postwachstum? Aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen um einen grundlegenden gesellschaftlichen Wandel". edition 8. chapter ["Die Postwachtumsökonomie als plünderungsfreier Zukunftsentwurf, Paech, N., page 73-82] chapter["Von der imperialen zur konvivialen Technik", Vetter, A., page 159-167]
Post growth economics is a economic school of thought that denies the idea of infinite growth and in its place a downsizing. The idea is that we have to reduce our consumption and, accordingly, produce less. People need to change their material needs for such a state. We live in a world where things are replaced too quickly, especially technical devices.