Making by Making Strange

Bell, Genevieve, Blythe, M. & Sengers, P. (2005). “Making by Making Strange: Defamiliarization and the Design of Domestic Technologies”. In ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 12. 149-173.



This paper argues that because the home is so familiar, it is necessary to make it strange, or defamiliarize it, in order to open the design space for it. Critical approaches to technology design are of both practical and social importance in the home. Home appliances are loaded with cultural associations such as the gendered division of domestic labor that are easy to overlook. This paper has attempted to defamiliarize domestic technology by visiting some foreign countries like the past, England and Asia. However, it is not necessary to travel to defamiliarize.

through, and made homes for ourselves.

new alternatives for design.


gradually penetrating all aspects of the kitchen.