Perspectives and biases of design
Carroll, J. M. (2000). "Making Use: Scenario-Based Design of HumanComputer Interactions". The MIT Press. “the Process”
- John M. Carroll: Design is the quintessentially human activity
- „Design is not an easy or routine kind of problem solving. Design problems never completely specify their starting conditions.“
- “The description of the current situation in the world that drives the design reasoning is incomplete, inaccurate, or irrelevant.”
- „The Tower of Hanoi“ – problem solver moves disks among a set of pegs. The problem is clear from the start.
- Design has broad impacts on people. Design problems lead to
transformations in the world that alter possibilities for human activity and experience, often in ways that transcend the boundaries of the original design reasoning.
Six Characteristic and difficult properties of design
- Incomplete description of the problem to be addressed
- Lack of guidance on possible design moves
- The design goal or solution State cannot be known in advance
- Trade-offs among many interdependent elements
- Reliance diversity of knowledge and skills
- Wide-ranging and ongoing impacts on human Felicity
- The first big step in design is to identify the problem with requirement analysis.
Partial requirements for the multimedia education project
- Integrated television and film footage, textbook descriprions, and images