Products that technology could become
Auger, James. 2012. “Speculative design: The products that technology could become”. In Why Robot? Speculative Design, the domestication of technology and the considered future. PhD Thesis. RCA, London.
- Speculative design can be exciting and challenging for audiences, pushing their expectations in new and unexpected ways.
- The main goal isn’t about bringing the product to market but is very flexible about its development.

Material speculation
Wakkary, Ron & Odom, William & Hauser, Sabrina & Hertz, Garnet & Lin, Henry. 2016. A short guide to material speculation: Actual artifacts for critical inquiry. interactions. 23. 44-48.
- material speculation: investing the world around us to create different scenarios, personas, realities. alternative worlds can be created.
- what if questions
- Material speculation blurs the distinction between the actual world and hypothetical worlds since it can manifest in a world that does not exist.