Sketching User Experience
Buxton, B. (2007). "Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design". Morgan Kaufmann. 76-81.
- there’s no straight line in design process
- designers need to be ready for change and adapt
- problem-solving (“How do we build this?”) / problem setting (“What is the right thing to build?”)
- design and engineering need to work together to reach the best solution
- working with different specialists in their fields to reach the best solution
- teamwork makes the dream work
Data as currency
Eggers, W. D., Hamill R., Ali A. (2013). “Data as the new currency. Government’s role in facilitating the exchange”. In Deloitte Review. 13. 18-31.
- does data have an economic value that can be bought, sold, and traded?
- Data is important as it can provide insights into your target audience
- The assumption is that the government can play three important roles in the emerging data economy: producer, consumer, and facilitator
