Löwgren, J. & Stolterman, E. (2007). "Thoughtful Interaction Design" The Process (15-41)
«What is Interaction Design?” - A common question People ask when I tell them what I’m studying. I can’t always find the right words to answer it right away. Interaction Design is diverse and that’s what I like about it. I will try to explain it with some Keywords.
Designing generally is all about problems and and finding solutions. For that, designers create scenarios to get to the answer in a different way. It’s about speculative and critical design. Perceiving and observing has a big impact on it. Especially interaction design focuses on human centered design. Creating a communication between the human and the product is important to get to a good user experience. To get to understand the people you are designing for it’s important to differentiate the designer and the user. Creating personas is useful for that.
The user is not like me.